pyzenbo.py_zenbo_sdk module¶
- class pyzenbo.py_zenbo_sdk.PyZenbo(destination, on_state_change_callback=None, on_result_callback=None)¶
Python Zenbo SDK, this SDK provides a interface to zenbo robot features.
- motion = <pyzenbo.modules.motion.Motion object>¶
Provides body movement and head control.
- robot = <pyzenbo.modules.dialog_system.DialogSystem object>¶
Class that can be used to make Zenbo speak and listen, and to change the facial expressions.
- utility = <pyzenbo.modules.utility.Utility object>¶
Provides composite functions.
- wheelLights = <pyzenbo.modules.wheel_lights.WheelLights object>¶
Control wheel lights.
- vision = <pyzenbo.modules.vision_control.VisionControl object>¶
Provides visual functions.
- lineFollower = <pyzenbo.modules.line_follower.LineFollower object>¶
Provides line follower control functions.
- sensor = <pyzenbo.modules.sensor.Sensor object>¶
Provides sensor relate functions.
- system = <pyzenbo.modules.system.System object>¶
Provides system relate functions.
- media = < object>¶
Provides media relate functions.
- property on_state_change_callback¶
Called when command state change in waiting queue.
Usage¶def on_state_change(serial, cmd, error, state): msg = 'on_state_change serial:{}, cmd:{}, error:{}, state:{}' print(msg.format(serial, cmd, error_code.code_to_description(error), state)) sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.on_state_change_callback = on_state_change
- property on_result_callback¶
Called when a robot command sending result.
Usage¶def on_result(**kwargs): print('on_result', kwargs) sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.on_result_callback = on_result
- property on_vision_callback¶
Called when vision service sending result.
Usage¶def on_vision_callback(**kwargs): print('on_vision_callback', kwargs) sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.on_vision_callback = on_vision_callback
- release()¶
Release all robot API resource. After finished using SDK, must call this function to disconnect the connection.
- Returns
- cancel_command(command, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Cancel specific robot motion/utility command.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.motion.move_body(10, 0, 0, 2, sync=False) sdk.cancel_command(zenbo_command.MOTION_MOVE_BODY)
- Parameters
command – specifies the command number to cancel
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- cancel_command_by_serial(serial, sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Cancel specific robot motion/utility command by using the serial number.
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) serial = sdk.motion.move_body(10, 0, 0, 2, sync=False)[0] sdk.cancel_command_by_serial(serial)
- Parameters
serial – specifies the command serial number to cancel
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- cancel_command_all(sync=True, timeout=None)¶
Cancel all robot motion/utility commands
Usage¶sdk = pyzenbo.connect(host_ip) sdk.motion.move_body(10, 0, 0, 2, sync=False) sdk.cancel_command_all()
- Parameters
sync – True if this command is blocking
timeout – maximum blocking time in second, None means infinity
- Returns
serial number of the command, if command is blocking also return a dict, it include two key, ‘state’ indicate execute result and ‘error’ will contain error code
- get_connection_state()¶
Get current connection state.
Socket stateInit: 0Connected: 1Disconnected: 2Retry_1: 3Retry_2: 4Retry_3: 5Failed: 6Closed: 7- Returns
a tuple it contain sender state and receive state