


This is a basic tutorial on how to test your application through the Editor.


Input sentence 

You can test the app simply by using the testing window on the right side.

Fig. 1. Testing window of APP.


Input the query sentence by using a microphone or typing text.


Choose apps 

You can select all apps or specified apps to define what you want to test (You can only select apps which belong to your account under "Specified apps".).

Suppose we have a default chat app that the user say “how are you” , the DS will say ”I am fine, thank you”.
If you select "specified apps" and say “how are you”,  the DS will only focus on the specific app that you assigned and will return no match results if your app didn't handle this scenario.

Fig. 2. Choose app.


Set Context 

If you want to test a plan of a specified app, and it needs context value, you can type the app ID and context to reduce the lengthy testing.

Fig. 3. There isn't any context value.

Fig. 4. The plan that you want to test but needs context value.

Fig. 5. Setting app ID and context to test sentence directly.


Reset context 

When you test an app, the DS system will save the current context , if you have three contexts (a,b,c) and you want to clear all the contexts, you can click Reset context or reload the browser. If you click End app, the DS will reset the latest context (if you are testing context c, the system will reset c and not reset context a and b).

Fig. 6. Reset all context and restart the latest app.



For example, type ‘animal solitaire game’, and you can see the result being displayed.

  • Domain: App ID
  • Utterance: Input sentence
  • Corrected Sentence: fixed Sentence, for example: Sentence="play gome", Corrected Sentence="play game"
  • Corefence Sentence: Because the sentence contains a pronoun, the DS doesn't know what the pronoun refers to. Hence, Corefence Sentence will replace the pronoun with the common noun in the last sentence, for example: {last sentence="Tom is a good man", sentence="Call him"} Corefence Sentence="Call Tom"
  • Plan: Plan ID
  • Contexts: Output Contexts of plan
  • Response: TTS response of plan
  • BELIEF: BELIEF name and value

Fig. 7. Testing result of sentence.

Json format result 

In addition,  it will show the output and DS API result in json format as in Fig. 8. The SLU result in json format is also shown in Fig. 9.


Fig. 8. Testing result in json format.



Fig. 9. SLU result in json format.

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