
New Design Rules and Technical Review Items

Conforming to the following rules is a must do

* The technical review process includes checking whether your app conforms to these rules.

  1. The number of all sentences of all cross intents in an app cannot exceed 10.
  2. Cross intent design: Our system only accepts cross intent sentences matching the patterns we have specified. See below for our predefined cross sentence patterns:
  • [目前句型規範 <中文部分>] 

Rules we suggest every developer follow

Listed below are the rules you are advised to follow.

When defining a sentence of some intent,

1. Do not mix English letters or words with Chinese characters. (The reason why we have to impose this restraint is that we found the speech recognition system we are using has its limitations). So for example, the following intent definition might make the DS fail in its attempt to recognize all the three sentences. Notice that the third sentence contains a reference "dish", which might have been instantiated by some English words as well as Chinese words. In this case, providing that the dish class has instantiated two instances: "Pepperoni pizza" and "炒飯", the utterance "I want a recipe for Pepperoni pizza." will be recognizable. The utterance "I want a recipe for 炒飯," however, will not. As you can see, whether an utterance can be successfully recognized depends on what the user says. 


2. If a chunk of one or more class system entities, together with some non-class components, can be replaced by a larger system entity, then use the bigger one. For example, in the below picture, the way of defining the first sentence, reading "wake <base.generic.family> up at <base.time.timetag>", is fine; however, the way of defining the second is not, since <base.generic.number> o'clock" can be replaced by"<base.time.timetag>".


  • Although our system won't prevent users from publishing their apps even if they decide to define a sentence in an unacceptable way we’ve just described, the DS system does not support this kind of definition. That is, a plan will not be triggered by a sentence having a replaceable chunk.      

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