
Lock DDE Domain ID and Version for Verification.

Before finishing publishing an app ready to be released, the sentence database referenced by the app needs to be locked so as for the developer site to fix the sentence database version.  Thus, a sentence database referenced by APKs verified on the develoepr site needs to be locked on the DDE editor website to be able to be recognized by the developer site.

Note that Publich and Deploy to Download Server are for local development only; therefore, completing these two procedures is not a substitute for the steps of locking the sentence database.

Step 1.

Open the DDE project according to the domain ID and version of the APK file.

Step 2. Fill out Project Info

In Project Info, make sure you have filled in the same domain ID and domain version as those in the apk manifest file. In addition, fill in the blanks of Launch Activity, Developer App ID, Register background contexts, etc. Check the "The full path to launch this app" box if it's a full path. A developer App ID, which is managed by the developer site, belongs exclusively to the app you are designing. Thus, basically every pre-load app account has a set of developer app IDs to be chosen.


Step 3.

Choose a Developer App ID, whose value cannot be none. Having chosen an ID, you will see our system automatically fills in the blanks of Package Name and App Name for you. Then click Save.


Step 4.

To lock the version, in the upper-left corner, click Dev -> Lock the current version ready for verification.

  • All sentence databases of the DS domains + versions that have once been locked were backuped and fixed forever. Should there be any changes in these sentence databases of a released apk, update the DS domain version and lock it on more time.

Step 5.

Again, please be sure that the domain ID, version, and developer app ID are correct. And click Confirm.  

Step 6.

If all the information is correct and the domain ID and version have never been locked before, the locking process should succeed.

Otherwise, if the domain ID and version have been locked before, the process will fail. In this case, your app will need a different version number in order for the locking process to succeed.

Step 7.

You can see whether the locking process succeeded by clicking Import Locked Domain in the project center. Becasue every locked domain ID and version is backeduped, you can import an existed project.


A list of all domain IDs and versions locked by the account.

Step 8.

You have to complete the above locking process for Domain IDs and versions in the APK files committed to the release branch.

Otherwise, the app will fail the approval mechanism because our system cannot get the correspoding DS domain ID and verison.

Step 9.

APKs matched by more than one domain should do the locking process under all the domains. Take the little helper for example, it needs nine correspoding domains since it has nine domains.

Step 10.

If the DS sentences referenced by an uploaded APK remain the same, they can use the old locked DS domain + version. There is no need to update its DS domain version.  


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