
New APP/Content Publish - Apply for Technical Review


Upload the developed APP or digital content to ASUS approving team for approval. For details about the approval, see the terms for Zenbo Store developers.

Perform the following steps to apply for technical review:

  • Step 2: Click Console in the upper right corner.

  • Step 3: Choose Tech Verify.

Enter the APP Management page, select the target digital content that you want to apply for technical review, and choose Tech Verify from the drop down list of the Function column.

  • Step 4: Upload the file (.apk or .zba).

Choose the APP or digital content file, and upload it for technical review.

  • Step 5: After technical review is applied, Status becomes Under Tech Review.

In the APP Management page, check whether the status becomes Under Tech Review. If yes, technical review application is successful.

If you use Zenbo DDE, you can double-click APP in Under Tech Review state to view the DDE details automatically determined by the system.

  • Step 6: If technical review is passed, Status becomes Tech Review (Approve).

  • Step 7: If technical review is rejected, Status becomes Tech Review (Reject). You can double-click the item to check the rejection reason (Validation Remark).

(Validation Remark)

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