
Blocks Detail Description

APP Builder displays each of the different behavioral functions of Zenbo using a simple block. Blocks could be used stand alone or serialized combination by pulling them out from web graphical interface. These different behavioral functions are listed on blow:

Built-in Movement




Neck Movement

Request Zenbo to turn its head with specified speed level.

 Blocking  Run next block after current function has finished.
 Non-Blocking  Run next block after current function has started.
 Speed  1 ~ 3
 Vertical  -15° ~ 55° 
 Positive value means that the Zenbo will look up.
 Horizontal  -45° ~ 45°
 Positive value means that the Zenbo will turn to the left.




Body Movement

Move a relative distance with specified direction and speed level.

 Blocking  Run next block after current function has finished.
 Non-Blocking  Run next block after current function has started.
 Speed  1 ~ 7
 Direction  Up, down, left, right.
 Forward: Go forward
Backward: Go backward; turn back and go straight and then turn back again.
Left: Turn left and go straight
Right: Turn left and go straight
 Distance  Relative distance in centimeters.



Body Rotation

Rotate a relative angle with specified speed level.

 Blocking  Run next block after current function has finished.
 Non-Blocking  Run next block after current function has started.
 Speed  1 ~ 7
 Angle  Relative rotational angle in degrees.




Face Expression

Set face expression of Zenbo.

 Face type  1. interested  2. doubting  3. proud  4. default  5. happy
 6. expecting  7. shocked  8 .questioning  9. impatient  10. confident
 11. active  12. pleased  13. helpless  14. serious  15. worried
 16. pretending  17. lazy  18. aware_R  19. tiredZenbo  20. shy
 21. innocent  22. singing  23. aware_L  24. default_still  





Request Zenbo to speak one string among three strings.

 Speed  Slow, medium, fast.
 String  Candidate sentences of text to speech.




Request Zenbo to speak given string.

 Speak  Sentence of text to speech.
 Speed  Slow, medium, fast.




Audio Recording

Request Zenbo to record sound.

 Duration  The length of the recoding in seconds.



Play Recorded Audio

Request Zenbo to play the sound that was just recorded.

 Volume  Volume of media sound.
 Duration  The length of time that the recording would be played in seconds.



Stop Playing Recorded Audio

Request Zenbo to stop playing the recorded sound.




Stop Audio Recording

Request Zenbo to stop recording sound.





Wheel LED at Non-Blocking

Control wheel lights.

 Side  Right, left, both.
Right: Lights on right side.
Left: Lights on left side.
Both: Lights on both sides.
 Type  Led pattern. 
 Blink, Twinkle.
 Breathing, Marquee,
 Charging, Static.
 Display  Number for turning on led. 8 LEDs on each side.
One: Turn on one LED.
Quarter: Turn on 2 LEDs.
Half: Turn on 4 LEDs.
All: Turn on all LEDs.
 Color  The color for LED lights. 
 Select color by the color picker.
 Brightness  0~100, 0 means turning off the light.
 Duration  The length of time that the LED would be turned on in seconds.



Stop Wheel LED

Stop wheel lights.





Take a Picture

Request Zenbo to take a picture.




Show Took Picture

Request Zenbo to display the picture that was just captured.

 Duration  The length of time that the picture would be displayed in seconds.



Video Recording

Request Zenbo to record video.

 Duration  The length of the recoding in seconds.



Stop Video Recording

Request Zenbo to stop recording video.




Play Recorded Video

Reqeust Zenbo to play the video that was just recorded.

 Volume  Volume of media sound.
 Duration  The length of time that the video would be played in seconds.



Stop Recorded Video

Request Zenbo to stop playing the recorded video.





When Battery

If the battery encounters the condition, run inner blocks.

 Condition  Above, below.
 Value  Percentage of battery remaining (0~100).



When In Charge

If Zenbo detects that the hardware is in charge, run inner blocks.




When Not in Charge

If Zenbo detects that the hardware is not in charge, run inner blocks.




When Face was Detected

If Zenbo detects a person's face, run inner blocks.




When Hear

If Zenbo hears a specific command, run inner blocks.

 Context  Input Context of Dialog System.
 Intent Id  Let dialog state set to specific plan.




Play Media at Non-Blocking

Play selected media source, adjust volume and duration with given value.
When Zenbo plays the media, it will also run the inner blocks at the same time.

 Source  The file that you want to play, it can be video or music file.
 Volume  Volume of media sound.
 Duration  The length of time that the source would be played in seconds.



Play Media at Blocking

Play selected media source, adjust volume and duration with given value.

 Source  The file that you want to play, it can be a video or music file.
Volume  Volume of media sound.
 Duration  The length of time that the source would be played in seconds.



Stop Media Playing

Stop playing the media source.





Tips UI

Show a Built-In user interface to hint user how to command Zenbo.

 Tips UI’s ID  The tips id.
 Countdown UI Title  Volume of media sound.
 Countdown UI Duration  The length of time that the source would be played in seconds.
 Item  Tips’ list.
Hint: Action Description.
Content: Voice commands definition.



ListView UI

Display a list view on screen, show correspond string in view, selected item by voice or click.
Each item’s behavior would be defined in the Event Receive Block.

 Text-To-Speech  Request Zenbo to speak when list view is shown.
 Title  Title shown above list view.
 Intent Id  Voice commands settings.
 IntentId: Let dialog state set to specific plan.
 Value: Instances set in Concepts of Dialog System.
 Context: Input Context of Dialog System.
 Tips UI’s ID  Defin that which Tips would be executed.
 Event  Event’s ID:  Call the event which user wants when the item is selected.
 Event string:  Text to show on item



GridView UI

Display a grid view on screen, show correspond string in view , selected item by voice or click.

 Text-To-Speech  Request Zenbo to speak when grid view is shown.
 Title  Title shown above grid view.
 Intent Id  Voice commands settings. 
IntentId: Let dialog state set to specific plan.
 Value: Instances set in Concepts of Dialog System.
 Context: Input Context of Dialog System.
 Tips UI’s ID  Defined that which Tips would be executed.
 Event  Event’s ID:  Call the event which user wants when the item is selected.
 Media Source:  Picture to show on item



Built-in Movement 

Recursive Movement

Request Zenbo to do specific action.
It is a non-stop action till call “Stop Movement” is received. You also can use other blocks like “Logic” or “Detection” blocks to interrupt it.

 Action type  15. Dance_b_1  17. Music_1  21. Dance_s_1
 24. Dance_2  25. Shake_head_4  26. Head_twist_1



One-Time Movement

Request Zenbo to do specific action.

 Action type  0. Default_1  1. Default_2  2. Nod_1  3. Head_up_1  4. Head_up_2
 5. Shake_head_1  6. Head_up_3  7. Head_up_4  8. Head_down_1  9. Head_down_2
 10. Head_down_3  11. Shake_head_2  12. Head_down_4  13. Head_up_5  14. Head_down_5
 16. Head_up_5  18. Turn_left_1  19. Turn_left_2  20. Shake_head_3  22. Body_twist_1
 23. Body_twist_2  27. Dance_3  28. Shake_head_5  42. Head_down_6  43. Head_down_7
 44. Turn_right_1  45. Turn_right_2  46. Turn_left_reverse_1  47. Turn_right_reverse_1  48. Turn_left_reverse_2
 49. Turn_right_reverse_2  54. Head_up_6      



Stop Movement 

Stop running specific action.





Repeat _ times...do

How many times you want to play the inner blocks.

 Repeat  Number of times you want to repeat.




While the condition is true, run the inner blocks repeatedly.

 Condition setting with other blocks, like “Variable” and “Others” blocks.




Set ... to

Variable setting. Pass a value to a specific variable.

 Item  Name of variable.
 You can also add one new variable from the drop down menu.



Battery Percentage

Get battery percentage. 





Request Zenbo to listen to command.

Listen  == : Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not. If yes, then the condition becomes true.
 != : Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not. If the values are not equal, then the condition becomes true.
 Intent Id  Voice commands settings. 
 IntentId: Let dialog state set to specific plan.
 Context: Input Context of Dialog System.



Speaker Volume

Get Text-To-Speech‘s volume.




Number to Setting

Value of integer type.

 Number to setting



Make a Variable

Creating new variables or using existing variables.

 Variable Names



Is In Charge

Checks if Zenbo is in charge or not.

 In Charge  Checks if Zenbo is in charge or not. If in charge, then the block becomes true.
 Not In Charge  Checks if Zenbo is in charge or not. If not in charge, then the block becomes true



Human Body Detected

Checks if somebody is detected.




Variable Operation

Adds or subtracts 1 from a variable.

 Variable  Select which variable value would be changed.




If ... do

If the condition is true, run the inner blocks.

 Condition setting with other blocks, like “Variable” and “Others” blocks.



Condition Setting Blocks

If the first variable is equal to the second variable, run the inner blocks.

 Condition setting with other blocks, like “Variable” and “Others” blocks.




Called Logical AND operator. If both the operands are non-zero, then the condition becomes true.

 Condition setting with other blocks, like “Variable” and “Others” blocks.




Value of boolean type.

 Boolean to setting





Process the specific ID of Event.
The Event’s behavior can be defined in “When receive” block

 Call the specific event which user wants.



When receive 

 The block would be trigged when “Broadcast” is running with corresponding Event’s id.

 Event’s ID



Event's ID  and Medio Source

An element for Grid view extensions.

 Event’s ID  Call the event which user wants when the item is selected.
 Media Source  Picture to show on item.



Event's ID and String

An element for List view extensions.

 Event’s ID  Call the event which user wants when the item is selected.
 String  Text to show on item.





Project’s entry point. This shows which block stack would be executed.





Value of string type.

 String  Text to setting




Do nothing for the specified number of seconds.

 The length of the waiting in seconds.
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