
Main Functions

How to launch APP Builder web page? Just click APP Builder to enter APP Builder main panel web page. The following items are displayed in the Main Panel: Menu, Toolbar, Work Space, Zenbo facial expression Simulator, Zenbo 3D Simulator, and Blocks Menu.

Table 1. Menu items.

 Menu  No.  Name  Description
 File  1.1  New  Create a new project.
 Clear current progress if Work Space is saved. Create a new project tab if Work Space is not  saved
 1.2  Open  Open previously saved projects using the file manager with the filename extension .zbo.
 1.3  Save  Save the current project.
 Edit  1.4  Redo  Redo the last change made in Work Space.
 1.5  Undo  Undo the last change made in Work Space.
 Connect  1.6  Connect  Connect to Zenbo.
 Connect to Zenbo by entering Zenbo’s IP when it is in the same domain
 1.7  Disconnect  Disconnect from Zenbo.
 Disconnect Zenbo from the current connection.
 Help  1.8  General  documentation  Getting start。
 1.9  Documentation  about IDE  APP Builder guide.
 1.10  API reference  APP Builder Block (API) guide.



Table 2. Toolbar items.

 Toolbar  No.  Name  Description
 File  同1.1  New  Create a new project
 Clear current progress if Work Space is saved. Create a new project tab if Work  Space is not saved.
 同1.3  Save  Save the current project.
 Edit  同1.4  Redo  Redo the last change made in Work Space.
 同1.5  Undo  Undo the last change made in Work Space.
 1.14  Zoom in  Zoom in to increase all blocks’ size.
 1.15  Zoom out  Zoom out to decrease all blocks’ size.
 1.16  Start point  Center and reset all the blocks’ size.
 1.20  Block Count  Count the number of blocks in Work Space, including sub-blocks.
 1.21  Delete block  Drag and drop blocks here to remove them.
 Connect  1.17  Connection  status  Display the connection status of Zenbo. Click to connect to Zenbo when  disconnected.
 Connect to Zenbo by entering Zenbo’s IP when it is in the same domain.
 Run  1.18  Play  Simulate  Run the project in the 3D Simulator.
 1.19  Connect  Send the project to Zenbo and run the project.
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